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Ocean State Job Lot Keeps Their Drivers Safe with Trimble's Video Intelligence

Since 1977, Ocean State Job Lot has has grown to be the northeastern US’s largest, privately held closeout retail chain with 150 stores in New England, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and a fleet comprised of hundreds of vehicles. But as their business grew, safety became a more complex challenge to manage. We recently sat down with Ocean State Job Lot to talk with them about how they implemented a wide-ranging safety strategy using Trimble's Video Intelligence solution to keep their drivers and assets safe while improving fleet performance and reducing incidents on the road. 

As part of their “Zero & Zero Safety Campaign,” a data-driven program that uses video and data to generate actionable guidance for drivers before and after incidents on the road, Ocean State Job Lot created their first Transportation Safety Manager position and team, and then sought out and installed Video Intelligence on their vehicles.

This combination of elements produced actionable guidance in response to analysis of driving behavior and incidents and the program ultimately brought the rate of incidents down dramatically and improved overall fleet performance.

Frank Chauvette, Transportation Safety Manager for Ocean State Job Lot, remarked, “We have successfully built not only safety standards, but a safety culture in which significant positive progress has resulted in fewer incidents, increased driver morale and an ongoing commitment to driver safety and awareness.”

To learn more about Ocean State Job Lot and their experience with Trimble, check out the video below. Or, to learn how Trimble’s Video Intelligence can help keep your drivers and assets safe, visit our solution page or contact our team.